Be Responsible – Scoop That Poop!

Today, many pet bloggers are participating in Scoop That Poop, a campaign created and organized by Sugar the Golden Retriever, and co-hosted by Terrier Torrent, The World According to Garth Riley, and Oz the Terrier.
The campaign is exactly what it sounds like: a coordinated effort to share all the reasons why it’s important to Scoop That Poop and encourage people to do so.

Scoop That Poop CampaignAt first, I wasn’t going to write a post for it.  The wieners are mostly backyard poopers, so we very rarely have to worry about picking up poops on walks.  But it’s still very important to pick up the poops from the backyard and I do it at least once daily, if not twice.  We use bags, just as we’d use if we were on a walk.  Well, not “we” exactly, II am the Poop Fairy around here.  I wrote a post a while back regarding where we keep the poop until trash day.

I decided to go ahead and create a short post for two reasons:

  1. I have spent most of the morning reading all the participants’ posts and they are just pooptabulous!  Some are excellent at pointing out all the health and environmental reasons why dog poop needs to be scooped, some are very humorous in discussing their pursuit of perfect poo pickup, while others are hosting some great giveaways to help you Scoop That Poop!  I just really want to encourage folks to visit the other blogs participating in the Poop That Scoop Campaign to get educated and get excited about scooping the poop.  Okay, not really.  None of us will ever be excited about it, but understanding the reasons why it needs to be done makes it much easier to accept doing it as routine.
  2. To mention a poo-related product that was supposed to be on the market by now, but isn’t.  It’s a contraption that sounds too good to be true, and perhaps it is… and perhaps that’s why it’s still not on the market.  However, the website is still up and running… so who knows?  Maybe they’re still working on it.
    Anyway, it’s a device that’s supposed to turn dog poop into odorless, harmless ash.  See?  I told you it sounds to good to be true.  It’s called the AshPoopie and below is the demonstration video for it (this video is worth watching just to hear a guy with a British accent say AshPoopie over and over):

Since the AshPoopie isn’t on the market yet, we all still need to pick up our dogs’ poo the old-fashioned way.  With a bag or a scooper.  Speaking of which, it’s that time!  I’m off to Scoop That Poop out of our yard!  It’s about to rain, so time is of the essence!

Remember to visit the hosts of the Scoop That Poop Campaign,
as well as all the other participants! 
You will learn a few things, get some laughs, and get to participate in some giveaways!

23 Responses to Be Responsible – Scoop That Poop!

  1. emma says:

    Love your post! I sometimes wonder why Mom even gets out of bed in the morning as she starts her day scooping out the cat box and then moves on to walking us and picking up our poop. I think I would just stay in bed if I had to clean up after humans like she cleans up after us! But…us furry ones do appreciate it.

  2. Bethany says:

    Hmm… I think I would want to know more about how the Ash Poopie works before I’d believe it can kill giardia and other parasites. It is good to know that are more products coming to help more owners find a way to scoop all the time!

    • Pam says:

      Yeah, I certainly wouldn’t purchase one unless they could prove to me that it’s actually killing the microorganisms. It just doesn’t seem possible that this little thing is going to turn poop into sterile ash.

  3. I have heard of the AshPoopie. I thought it already was on the market but, now that you mention it, I haven’t heard much about it lately. I would have a lot of questions about it….do you have to zap big poopies several times? Does the temperature get high enough to kill the bacteria? How hard is the thing to carry around with you? I could learn more on the website I am sure so I should take a look for FYI purposes. I would not ever use it personally so I haven’t taken the time yet.

    • Pam says:

      Unfortunately, not all the questions we’d like answered are on the website. It says that the bacteria are killed and that the end product is sterile ash, but I just have a hard time believing it. I need some proof! I think they have an excellent concept, but I don’t know that it would actually function to the specs they claim it would. Probably why it’s still not on the market.

  4. Flea says:

    I am DYING! OMD – that was too hilarious. My son, across the room, lifts his head every time the guy says AshPoopie. Too funny. But if it works, it would be great! I have to wonder what the expense would be for replacing the cartridges. We compost poop in the backyard.

    • Pam says:

      Yeah, if this thing would actually work the way it claims to… I can’t imagine that the device or the cartridges would come cheap.

  5. Jan is laughing at the ash poopie video.But it would sure be nice, wouldn’t it.

  6. That was totally worth listening to him say “AshPoopie.” Now I wish I’d know about them so I could write a post for the hop about AshPoopie. I’m picturing a musical tribute to the tune of “Shipoopi” from the Music Man.

    I also love your coinage of the term “pooptabulous”!

    • Pam says:

      OMD, AshPoopie to the tune of Shipoopi! lol Yeah, you know… if this thing actually ever comes to market, I think maybe they should change the name. AshPoopie is obviously completely accurate for its use, but it’s almost too ridiculous for any self-respecting adult (not that I fit that description) would want to buy one. Buuut, I can totally see it being sold on infomercials, and we all know infomercial products end up with the corniest names.

  7. GizmoGeodog says:

    I stopped over and left a note about your diaper pail solution…I do love that one…As for the Ash Poopie, I’m having a hard time thinking it’s for real…it does remind me of the movie “Envy”, but then the website seems so legitimate…who knows? Thanks so much for participating in our Scoop That Poop hop today!

    • Pam says:

      I haven’t seen “Envy” and had to look it up to figure out how it was related… and then “Oh right, VaPooRize!” I immediately remembered the commercials for the movie. And yeah, the AshPoopie sounds just as unrealistic as VaPooRize. I just don’t see how it could accomplish what it claims to do.

  8. houndstooth says:

    I NEED that ashpoopie! Gah! It must be too good to be true!

  9. What a clever product. Glad you joined in the hop!

  10. Ann Staub says:

    Well that does sound a little too good to be true! I have a huge yard, so I’m sure I miss poop sometimes. Shiner could go off and poop just about anywhere and I’d probably never even know about it. But I try to get the ones in close proximity that I can find.

    • Pam says:

      Yeah, sometimes you’ve just gotta do your best. Our yard is kind of big, but not that big… and it’s fenced; so it’s pretty easy to walk the whole thing to find them all. I STILL sometimes miss one or two though, and don’t find them until much later or until they get mowed over, which I hate.

  11. LOL I need the ash poopie!

  12. Golden LOVE the way you described it pooptabulous (we might have to borrow that word next time). Interesting video you shared, Oh My. Lots of Golden Thanks for joining our Scoop That Poop hop. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar

  13. Garth Riley says:

    Thanks for pawticipating in the blog hop!

    When mom was researching a guest blog post about poop and drinking water, she read about a locality that has a facility that burns poop and turns poop into energy. We think it would be awesome to have one of those nearby! (After all, it is a renewable resource!)


    • Pam says:

      We *almost* have that. We do have a trash-to-energy plant here, so if you put your dog waste out with your regular trash (which we do – in its own separate bag, of course), then it goes to the trash-to-energy plant to be burned. So yeah, I like to believe that in some small way – my dogs’ poo is helping to power the city, lol.
      But I wish we had a facility that was dedicated strictly for turning poop into energy. I think it would encourage more people to scoop the poop if they actually knew that it was being used for energy. Not everyone here knows about our trash-to-energy plant… for whatever reason, the city doesn’t really make a big deal of it.

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