This blog is supposed to be about dogs… both mine and dogs in general, so I try not to post anything personal.  But sometimes I just have to.

I am having a bit of a health scare right now.  The doc found something suspicious at my appointment yesterday, something scary and alarming, and I’m scheduled for more tests tomorrow.  Like anything else, it could be something minor or it could be something extremely serious.

I’m not being specific about what it is, because I don’t want to give any more power to it than what it already has over me, if that makes sense.  I’ll be honest, I’m very scared right now.  Hubs says I shouldn’t worry until it’s time to worry.  He’s very good at that, but I’m not.  I’m a worrier in general.  I worry about everything!  And this?  This is something to worry about.

When I know something definitive, then I will share what’s going on.  It will depend on my results and diagnosis whether I will be taking a break from the blog or not, hence the ‘maybe’.  Until then, all kind thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

I will at least update on Gracie, for those of you who are following what happens to her.

I will be deleting this post from the Triberr feed so that my wonderful tribemates (who are kind enough to share my posts sometimes, or even often) don’t inadvertently share this post.  I just wrote this for my personal readers in case I disappear for a while.

8 Thoughts on “A Personal Break… Maybe

  1. Oh, I”m a class-A worrier too, so I hear you. Sending positive thoughts your way that this will turn out to be nothing and no break will be needed! Sending virtual hugs. Hang in there! And keep us posted.

  2. Hang in there and TRY hard NOT to panic! We are here for you and have our paws crossed that all will be just fine.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  3. My mom is a worrier too. Even if the chance is only slight she figures she will be that slight person. We hope things turn out fine and it is nothing to worry about!

  4. I’m the same as you. I tell everyone else “Don’t cross the worry bridge until it’s time” but I cannot heed my own advice.

    I’m sending good, positive thoughts your way and will add you to my prayer list.

  5. I hope everything is okay! Sending good wishes and prayers your way.

  6. Thank you for your honest post. Having been a paramedic and having a dad who’s a doctor, I’m in the school of “don’t worry until there’s something to worry about.” But I’ve seen years of people worrying while waiting for results so I can certainly empathize. My and Kayo’s thoughts and positive energy will be with you and we hope that everything comes back just fine!

  7. Well darn I missed this post. Hope all is well.

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