Hi everyone…

The wieners have taken over the keyboard today because Mama isn’t feeling well.  Okay, really it’s just me, Li’l Girl.  Austin’s not very good with pawing the keys.

Li'l Girl - What?

What?? Write a blog post for you? Sigh… can’t you see that there’s a stuffie that needs gutting?

Anyway, Mama has been having a very difficult time lately and is feeling very discouraged.  She has been trying to put on a good, happy face and keep things in order, but it hasn’t really been working. Read More →

I don’t have a lot of time, but since I was a big ol’ worrying baby and posted something personal yesterday, it’s only fair that I update on that.

Disclaimer: This post isn’t about dogs, so if you only like reading about dogs… stop reading here.  This is just about boring old me.  Following today’s post, I hope to be back to only talking about things with four legs and fur.

Second Disclaimer:  If you don’t want the details – everything is okay and the worry was (mostly) for nothing.  You can stop reading here.  If you like details and don’t mind getting into the personal stuff, then keep reading. Read More →

This blog is supposed to be about dogs… both mine and dogs in general, so I try not to post anything personal.  But sometimes I just have to.

I am having a bit of a health scare right now.  The doc found something suspicious at my appointment yesterday, something scary and alarming, and I’m scheduled for more tests tomorrow.  Like anything else, it could be something minor or it could be something extremely serious.

I’m not being specific about what it is, because I don’t want to give any more power to it than what it already has over me, if that makes sense.  I’ll be honest, I’m very scared right now.  Hubs says I shouldn’t worry until it’s time to worry.  He’s very good at that, but I’m not.  I’m a worrier in general.  I worry about everything!  And this?  This is something to worry about.

When I know something definitive, then I will share what’s going on.  It will depend on my results and diagnosis whether I will be taking a break from the blog or not, hence the ‘maybe’.  Until then, all kind thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

I will at least update on Gracie, for those of you who are following what happens to her.

I will be deleting this post from the Triberr feed so that my wonderful tribemates (who are kind enough to share my posts sometimes, or even often) don’t inadvertently share this post.  I just wrote this for my personal readers in case I disappear for a while.

I made a quick post a few days ago noting that my mother was in the hospital; and that I might not be posting much until she’s out.  Partly because I don’t have the time, but truthfully, mostly because I don’t have the mental energy to crank out anything that requires a lot of thought.  I decided, though, that I would at least try to pen an update post, mostly because I need to just ramble for a while, as well as express a bit of gratitude.

Thankful Tree

Maybe I need to
make one of these.
via Simply Vintagegirl

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