I made a quick post a few days ago noting that my mother was in the hospital; and that I might not be posting much until she’s out.  Partly because I don’t have the time, but truthfully, mostly because I don’t have the mental energy to crank out anything that requires a lot of thought.  I decided, though, that I would at least try to pen an update post, mostly because I need to just ramble for a while, as well as express a bit of gratitude.

Thankful Tree

Maybe I need to
make one of these.
via Simply Vintagegirl

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Flea Closeup

Disgusting, is it not?

Fleas… they are perhaps one of the most disgusting creatures upon planet Earth.  Just look at one. →

When I was growing up, I remember our dogs having to contend with many fleas.  And because they had to contend with fleas, we had to contend with fleas.  Back then, we didn’t have all the flea prevention products that are available now.  We had flea “treatments”, which were nothing more than a temporary fix at best, if a fix at all.  And we tried everything on the market at the time: flea shampoos, flea powders, flea sprays, flea collars… you name it.  I remember being bitten quite often by fleas, since we allowed the dogs on the couches and beds, which further spread the infestation.  As a note, when dining on humans, fleas seem to love legs.  Not much else, just legs. Read More →

Super Sweet Blogging AwardRecently, the wieners and I received a Super Sweet Blogging Award nomination from Miss Harper Lee at The K9 Harper Lee.  This award nomination is particularly special to us because it’s our very first; and coming from Miss Harper Lee, it really means a lot.  We are very new to blogging, and have been meeting a lot of really wonderful people along the path of this journey.  Some folks are all business, some are silly, some are sweet.  The lady at the keyboard for Read More →

They say you should always finish what you start.  Well, I don’t know who THEY are, but sometimes we start things that aren’t right for us.  Sometimes change is necessary.  When you’re on a journey, sometimes you need to stop, look at the map, and change direction.A Different Path

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