Li’l Girl at the keyboard today… Mom’s still on hiatus.  Well, apparently she can take a break from blogging, but she clearly hasn’t taken a break from being out of her fool mind. She even brought Daddy down with her this time. You’re not going to believe this, but they have gotten up to some SERIOUS mischief. Really, I think they’ve truly gone and lost their marbles.

They’ve brought another dog into MY our house.

A girl dog, even. A cute little black and tan thing. I do not like this one bit. I am to be the only cute little girl around here. They say it’s for a “trial basis”, but I know how they are… once a Dachshund’s in the house, it doesn’t leave. Daddy left for a little while on Thursday afternoon (on the 24th), but me and Austin didn’t think anything of it. Probably just going to pick us up some cheeseburgers like we commanded. NOPE. He wasn’t gone very long, and then came back with this little abomination our new guest:

Ginger - Newest Rescue


As you can see by her temporary rescue tag, her name is Ginger. See her squishy little naked tummy? Mom says it’s still shaved from her recent surgeries – she was spayed and had to have a hernia repaired. Before being rescued, she was in a bad breeder/puppy mill situation and no one knows how many litters of puppies she was forced to have. Her skin and fur are not all pretty like mine… she has lots of little scars and hairless spots from past skin infections, and her fur is patchy and coarse. Mom and Dad say it’s because she has had a very tough life and has been through a lot of bad stuff. Some little scars might even be from fights.
They say that my fur wasn’t always so pretty, either… that I had thin fur and my tail was even almost hairless when they adopted me. Not anymore.  I’m a gorgeous gal now, and I don’t remember being anything else. One of the evil witches that trim my nails groomer girls even said that my fur felt like soft velvet. I’m like, “Duh lady, the line forms that way to pet me.” But Mom and Dad said they went overboard giving me the good stuff, though, and now I’m too fat and they’re working on trimming some pounds off of me. Whatever. I’m VOLUPTUOUS. Austin is fit and thin and doesn’t seem to gain weight very easily. Typical guy.

ANYWAY, I feel really bad about Ginger’s past life, but I still don’t like her being here. Mom and Dad say that I’m jealous. Whatever. Austin’s not very happy, either… but he shows it in a different way than I do. We are all tolerating each other, but we are not being very friendly. Mom and Dad say we may get over this and we may not, which is why Ginger is here for a trial period. They say that our happiness is their priority… buuuut, I can already tell that they are falling for her. They keep saying that she’s so sweet, and I guess I will reluctantly admit that she is. She has some resource guarding issues, which is to be expected with her past. We have to give her what Mom calls “a wide berth” when she’s eating. BUT, that is already getting better and she’s getting more used to eating closer to us with no problems. If she stays, we will keep working on it. Mom and Dad were told she’d need to be fed separately, but they believe in overcoming problems (if they can) instead of accommodating them. Her other issues: cats and kids make her go berserk – we’re not fond of cats or kids, either… but we have a limit to how crazy they make us act. Ginger has no such limit. No cats or kids live here, BUT we can see them out the window and while on walks. If Ginger can even hear kids playing somewhere outside, she barks non-stop like a maniac. Mom and Dad admit they don’t have the expertise to know how to help with those issues, or if they even can be helped. Here’s the new little brat again:

Ginger - Newest Rescue

This picture makes her fur look better than it is.

Here’s a picture of the three of us looking very friendly, but believe me, looks are deceiving.  I swear if she so much as touches me, I’m going to freak out.

The Three of Us

Ginger’s on the far left; that’s me (Li’l Girl) looking extra fat in the middle; and Austin is crashed out.

And here we are looking even more friendly, but again, don’t be fooled. See how we’re kind of touching? I’m only tolerating it ‘cuz I’m sun-napping. If she moves and I feel her brush up against me, I give her a quick warning growl. I don’t care if Austin touches me… we lay touching all the time. We don’t cuddle the way me and my best pal LittleBear used to, but we’re still close in our own way. See our tails?

The Three of Us

Gosh, I look really fat in this picture. I am overweight, but I don’t look so bad standing up, I swear.

So yeah, I’m calling shenanigans here. I can’t believe they really think that I might put up with another girl in the house. We’ll see.  I don’t know how long this so-called trial period is going to last, but I’ll update on the situation soon.
OH, something else… we’ve been going on walks every day and let me tell you… three neurotic Dachshunds on a walk make for hilarious frustration for Mom and Dad. PAYBACK.

This post has been included in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop, brought to you by
Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.

Monday Mischief Blog Hop

Hey, this is Li’l Girl checking in!  As I mentioned the other day, Mama is still on some kind of break and I’m taking over while she’s gone.  She made an exception yesterday to post something about my very best old pal.  I can’t talk about him too much because I get too sad.
Anyway, she’s in the other room right now, and I told her frankly that she could stay there.  She wants a break – she’s got it.  Gives me time and freedom to focus on important missions, such as stuffie extermination.
Also, I am hiding from Austin too – he kills stuffies even faster than I do, so if I want some see some active combat, I have to work quickly and stealthily.  

Li'l Girl: This Stuffie is Asking for a Gutting

See how it’s just laying there? You can tell it’s just begging to be gutted.

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Hi everyone…

The wieners have taken over the keyboard today because Mama isn’t feeling well.  Okay, really it’s just me, Li’l Girl.  Austin’s not very good with pawing the keys.

Li'l Girl - What?

What?? Write a blog post for you? Sigh… can’t you see that there’s a stuffie that needs gutting?

Anyway, Mama has been having a very difficult time lately and is feeling very discouraged.  She has been trying to put on a good, happy face and keep things in order, but it hasn’t really been working. Read More →

The WienerDad has been traveling for work quite a lot this year, his most recent week being the third week of August.  He usually flies out on a Monday morning and returns late Friday night.  The Sunday night before is usually spent at home – doing laundry, packing, etc.

Well, on this particular pre-travel Sunday, we decided we’d go out to eat and just get out of the house for a while together – believe me, that doesn’t happen often around here.  The wieners are left with free reign of the house while we’re gone, and this is normally no problem.  We always return to the house and the dogs (and the house) are in the same condition we left them.

Austin & Li'l Girl - You Can Trust Us

“You know we’re just counting the minutes until you leave, right?”

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I don’t have a lot of time, but since I was a big ol’ worrying baby and posted something personal yesterday, it’s only fair that I update on that.

Disclaimer: This post isn’t about dogs, so if you only like reading about dogs… stop reading here.  This is just about boring old me.  Following today’s post, I hope to be back to only talking about things with four legs and fur.

Second Disclaimer:  If you don’t want the details – everything is okay and the worry was (mostly) for nothing.  You can stop reading here.  If you like details and don’t mind getting into the personal stuff, then keep reading. Read More →

This blog is supposed to be about dogs… both mine and dogs in general, so I try not to post anything personal.  But sometimes I just have to.

I am having a bit of a health scare right now.  The doc found something suspicious at my appointment yesterday, something scary and alarming, and I’m scheduled for more tests tomorrow.  Like anything else, it could be something minor or it could be something extremely serious.

I’m not being specific about what it is, because I don’t want to give any more power to it than what it already has over me, if that makes sense.  I’ll be honest, I’m very scared right now.  Hubs says I shouldn’t worry until it’s time to worry.  He’s very good at that, but I’m not.  I’m a worrier in general.  I worry about everything!  And this?  This is something to worry about.

When I know something definitive, then I will share what’s going on.  It will depend on my results and diagnosis whether I will be taking a break from the blog or not, hence the ‘maybe’.  Until then, all kind thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

I will at least update on Gracie, for those of you who are following what happens to her.

I will be deleting this post from the Triberr feed so that my wonderful tribemates (who are kind enough to share my posts sometimes, or even often) don’t inadvertently share this post.  I just wrote this for my personal readers in case I disappear for a while.