A couple weeks ago, I posted about getting the wieners a couple of Kong Wobblers. At that time, despite my showing them what to do to get the kibble/treats out, they would not do it themselves. They would watch me intently batting away at the Kongs like a trained monkey, knocking the kibble out. Between bites, they would look at me to knock out some more. They seemed to understand the concept that the Wobblers needed to be knocked around for the goodies to come out, they just wanted me to be the one to do it. Read More →
Today we are joining Jodi over at Heart Like A Dog and a new co-host this week, Flea, who blogs for Jones Natural Chews for Follow-Up Friday – the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
August is Senior Pets Month,
so today I have decided to feature not one,
but two adoptable seniors!
Maximus & Kiki
Today, many pet bloggers are participating in Scoop That Poop, a campaign created and organized by Sugar the Golden Retriever, and co-hosted by Terrier Torrent, The World According to Garth Riley, and Oz the Terrier.
The campaign is exactly what it sounds like: a coordinated effort to share all the reasons why it’s important to Scoop That Poop and encourage people to do so.
Today is a very special day for our friend Sugar the Golden Retriever!
It’s her 12th BarkDay and we’re all celebrating with smiles!
This is an old photo, but it’s the smiliest around here…
It brings back good memories and makes us smile
so we’re sending those smiles to you!
Today we are participating in the
{This Moment} See Beautiful Blog Hop hosted by Sugar the Golden Retriever.
Read More →
Today’s Featured Adoptable Dog is LuLu
LuLu is a longhaired Dachshund that has been with
Furever Dachshund Rescue for a quite a while now.
She is black with white chest markings and white-tipped paws.
Estimated to be about six years old – she is mature, but not quite senior.
ATTENTION – BEFORE READING FURTHER: If you are here because you have an urgent need for help with medical expenses for a Dachshund, please visit Dollar for Doxies and click the Contact Us link or call the phone number provided.
A pet parent not being able to afford a veterinary care is an issue I encounter time and time again, especially in the age of the internet where people often post their difficult situations publicly and perhaps reach out for help, even if only for prayers and well-wishes.
But it always leaves me wondering what they ultimately do.
For example, below is a post that I just happened to Read More →
The wieners really need some more indoor activities, since it’s about 87 million degrees outside right now. I’ve seen lately that a lot of people are using Kong Wobblers to provide a fun way to give their dogs treats, or even feed a whole meal; so I buy a couple of Wobblers and hope for the best. (As a note, I bought the small size and it is more than adequate for our use.) Read More →
Today’s Featured Adoptable Dog is Franny
Franny is a black & tan Dachshund that has been with
Furever Dachshund Rescue for a few months now.
At a bit over nine years old, she would classify as a senior.
But don’t worry – she’s in great shape… more on that below.