Wordless Wednesday 06/19

“Mr. Toad”

Mr. Toad has lived in our backyard for at least a year.
He and the wieners have a mutual understanding.
“If you don’t pee on me, I won’t spray my icky toad poison in your face.”
Both have kept up their sides of the deal.
Mr. Toad was kind enough recently to allow a few close-ups…
We went over the proofs together,
and he chose these two to make the cut.

Mr. Toad

Mr. Toad

Wordless Wednesday

This post is part of the Wordless Wednesday blog hop
kindly hosted by BlogPaws.

28 Responses to Wordless Wednesday 06/19

  1. Kat says:

    I’m impressed that the wieners and toad have learned to live harmoniously amongst each other. I think my dog would have tried to eat Mr. Toad.

    • Pam says:

      Some days we worry about that with Austin. He’s our “eat first, ask questions later” guy. Fortunately, nothing but sniffs so far.

  2. Ohh… Mr Toad is cute… becareful an stay safe… we had a racoon that came in the backyard and ate jeremiah the bullfrog… so sad 🙁

    • Pam says:

      Awww, poor Jeremiah! Goodness, I didn’t know a raccoon would eat a bullfrog… crazy! We’ve never seen any raccoons around here… only plenty of squirrels. The squirrels are only after non-living things, thankfully.

  3. There are no words. None. Nada. Zilch.

    • Pam says:

      lol… I don’t blame you. He’s not the most handsome guy in the world. But he doesn’t know that. Or she. Who knows? I guess it could be a Mrs. Toad.

  4. Ann Staub says:

    Wow – that toad looks crazy! I don’t think I’ve ever seen any toads that look quite like him around here!

    • Pam says:

      I’ve definitely never seen one this close! He likes to hang around right by the back door, and this night he was right up on some bricks we have temporarily stacked up.

  5. Whee have a little frog living in our backgarden that whee have called Freddo. He’s very noisy some nights!

    Happy Wednesday!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  6. We’re glad that you have a mutual agreement. Mr. Toad looks like he could really give it to you if he wanted to.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    • Pam says:

      He sure could! We’ve been lucky so far, but I still worry about it. They’re good not to bother him too much. It’s like they’re VERY interested in him, but you can tell he makes them nervous. A few sniffs and then they get back 😉

  7. Big and a bit chubby. Great close up photo. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    • Pam says:

      Thanks Sugar… And yes, he sure is chubby! He gets plenty to eat and we like it that way. He is most welcome to all the bugs he wants! 😉

  8. Cinnamon says:

    Respect is a beautiful thing. Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

    • Pam says:

      It sure is! I hope they keep their mutual respect and we have no sudden trips to the vet thanks to a shot of toad poison.

  9. Sarah Hosick says:

    Gumpy cat has nothing on Mr. Toad! What a great yard-mate. Happy WW!

    • Pam says:

      Right? It’s too bad I don’t get the opportunity for more pictures of him. Although, I’m not funny enough for a Grumpy Toad meme series. “Grumpy Toad sez… (insert witty something-or-other here)”

  10. I think Rita would freak out over a toad. Great photos – even if they did make me shudder. :}

    • Pam says:

      He’s got a very striking mug, even if it’s not striking in a good way. These photos were actually taken with my phone because it was handy; and I’m surprised I even got any clear ones because my husband and I were giggling too much to hold the phone very still.

  11. Kristen says:

    What a cutie!

  12. Excellent pictures of Mr. Toad, and I love the agreement!

  13. Janet Roper says:

    Love the mutual understanding between the weiners & Mr. Toad. 😉

    • Pam says:

      Let’s hope they keep that understanding! I am thankful that none of the toads that are really dangerous to dogs are indigenous to this area, but still it makes me worry. They do have a respectful relationship, but nevertheless, I don’t let the wieners push their luck when I notice them sniffing him.

  14. He’s quite a little poseur! How big is he, anyway?

    • Pam says:

      He’s at least 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches (looking down on him from above, I mean). And a chunky little guy. He gets plenty to eat in the backyard, which is why I don’t shoo him out of there. I’m happy for him to keep the insect population down.

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