Kong Wobblers – Part 2: We Were Just Faking It

A couple weeks ago, I posted about getting the wieners a couple of Kong Wobblers.  At that time, despite my showing them what to do to get the kibble/treats out, they would not do it themselves.  They would watch me intently batting away at the Kongs like a trained monkey, knocking the kibble out.  Between bites, they would look at me to knock out some more.  They seemed to understand the concept that the Wobblers needed to be knocked around for the goodies to come out, they just wanted me to be the one to do it.

Well, I have neglected to follow up on that until now, but they figured it out after three mornings of trying.  On the fourth morning, when Daddy was showing them what to do, everything suddenly clicked and that was that… knocking the kibble out on their own with no problem.  Sigh.  Of course.  The miracles always happen for Daddy.

Austin With Kong Wobbler

That’s the way they’ve been getting their breakfast every morning since then.  They get really excited about it, although frankly I’m pretty sure they’re just excited about the food… not necessarily the Wobblers.  They each have their own way of getting the kibble out.  Austin bats at his with his paw to knock it around.  Li’l Girl has to use her nose to push hers around.  They’re pretty quick at it, now that they have it all figured out.

Li'l Girl With Kong Wobbler

They’re still not entirely sure when the Wobblers are empty, though.  They will keep knocking them around, I guess figuring that if they just keep pushing, that food will continue to fall out indefinitely.  A dog can dream, right?

Working Together... A Rare Moment

They always each get their own… but I put down just one as a test,
and shockingly, they worked together.

When I pick the Wobblers up to put them away, Austin is totally fine with it.  I open it to show him that it is indeed empty, then put it up.  Li’l Girl, however… she’s all about resource guarding.  She will growl and fuss around when I try to take it.  I have to trade her one more piece of kibble/treat just to get the Wobbler away from her – after which I always show her that it’s empty so she knows I’m not just tricking her.

Austin - How could you??

“How could you?? How could you tell the whole world
it took us four days to figure things out??”

Li'l Girl - Looking Indignant

“You know you’re going to pay for that, right?”

I know… this wasn’t particularly exciting or mischievous.  But the wieners were pretty miffed about my first posting, complaining that I had made them look like complete idiots for not figuring the Wobblers out faster.  After reading the other comments of dogs who had figured theirs out on the first try, they were especially embarrassed and tried to convince me that they were just faking the first few days and they knew all along what to do.  Sure guys, sure.

This post has been included (quite late, I might add) in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop,
brought to you by Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.

Monday Mischief Blog Hop

7 Responses to Kong Wobblers – Part 2: We Were Just Faking It

  1. Well, I thought it was pretty exciting 😉 Very funny story and one of my fave posts of the day!

  2. I also thought this was a great story – especially since they sound just like Rita, preferring to have Momma do the heavy lifting for them! I totally believe them when they say they had it figured out all along!

  3. emma says:

    Glad they figured it out. I don’t really appreciate having to work to get my food out of our ball that is like that but my sister loves it. I prefer to be served properly 🙂

  4. houndstooth says:

    Your post gave me a fit of the giggles as I recalled the first Kongs we bought for our first pair of Greyhounds, Treat and Hawk. Treat was a clever little diva, and she figured out that if she let Hawk get going, he’d spill all the food all over the floor and she could eat it before he could get to it! They were quite a pair!

  5. Vicki Cook says:

    I think they figured it out just fine – look at Mom and she will make the food appear! Why bother to do the work yourself? 😉

  6. LOL I knew they would get it! Good for them. 🙂

  7. My guys have that toy and love it. Have a great day.

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